Inverell Catholic Church

Sacred Heart Parish belongs to the Roman Catholic Diocese of Armidale. It was canonically erected in 1868.

We seek to bring people to Christ through Sacred Liturgy and Divine Worship. We live our lives founded upon the ancient Creed of the Church, which stretches back to the Apostles and is found in Holy Scripture.

Our parish offers many forms of prayer and adoration and ways to serve our local community in charitable works.

Holy Trinity School is our educational work and St Vincent De Paul Society is our charitable outreach.

Whether you live in Inverell or are passing through, our parish warmly welcomes you.

Parish Mass Times

Contact Information

Sacred Heart Church Inverell
81 Vivian Street
(PO Box 107)
Inverell NSW 2360
Email: Contact Us
Parish Priest: Rev Fr Paul Chandler Adm., PhD


Sacred Heart Church Inverell
81 Vivian Street Inverell

Saturday 6.00pm (May to August: 5.30pm)
Sunday 9.00am

Weekday Mass Times published weekly in Parish Bulletin

Sacrament of Penance (Confession)

Sunday: 8.00am to 8.30am
Tuesday: 5.00pm to 5.30pm
Thursday: 1.00pm to 1.30pm
Friday: 5.00pm to 5.30pm (except First Fridays)
Saturday: 5.15pm to 5.45pm (May to August: 4.45pm to 5.15pm)
(and at any time upon request)


St. Mary Of The Angels
Oliver Street, Bundarra

2nd Saturday 3.30pm
(May to August: 3pm)


St. Patrick's
45 Duff Street, Ashford

3rd Saturday 3.30pm
(May to August: 3pm)


St. Francis Of Assissi
30 Ruby Street, Tingha

4th Saturday 3.30pm
(May to August: 3pm)


St. Joseph The Worker
Macintyre Street, Yetman

5th Saturday 3pm
(May to August: 2.30pm)

McLean Retirement Village

4th Thursday 10.00am

Latest Bulletins

Please have a look through our latest bulletins to see whats on and to get to know our friendly congregation.

Inverell Sacred Heart Parish Prayer

Heavenly Father,
pour out your grace upon this place dedicated to the
Sacred Heart of Jesus, your Son.

Here Your word is proclaimed,
the Holy Sacraments are celebrated
and Your people are united in a family of believers.

We pray for our parish named in honour
of Your son Jesus' Sacred Heart.
Have mercy on us all and may every blessing of the Holy
Spirit be poured out on all members of our parish.

May our parish be filled with holiness and prayer,
with faith and love;
May it be a place where worthy and reverent worship
is offered to God,
and where we receive grace and power for our mission.

May all who come here find a welcoming home,
comfort in their needs and strength
for their journey of faith
until we reach our eternal home.
We make this prayer through Christ, Our Lord.

Most Sacred Heart of Jesus, have mercy on us.
Immaculate Heart of Mary, pray for us.
St Joseph, protector of the Holy Family, pray for us.
St Mary MacKillop, pray for us.

The Sacred Heart Parish of INVERELL (which includes the parishioners of Sacred Heart Church - Inverell, St. Mary Of The Angels Church - Bundarra, Saint Patrick's Church - Ashford, Saint Francis of Assisi Church - Tingha, and St. Joseph The Worker Church - Yetman) is a community coming from many parts of the world. Those living in this beautiful part of Australia come from the Kamilaroi people, from Ireland and Scotland and other parts of Europe, from the Philippines, from India, from South America, and from Africa.

"There is neither Jew nor Greek, there is neither slave nor free, there is neither male nor female; for you are all one in Christ Jesus.” (St Paul to the Galatians 3:28)